First Closed Scientific Expert Meeting of the Editorial Board

About Lp(a) Forum

The Lp(a) Forum is a new, independent, non-profit, expert-led, global initiative providing clinicians and researchers worldwide with open access, peer-reviewed resources devoted to the exciting and rapidly developing area of Lp(a) science and therapeutics.
The Forum brings together internationally-recognised experts from the scientific and clinical communities who are committed to developing awareness, knowledge and understanding of the importance of Lp(a) as an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and aortic valve stenosis, even when LDL-cholesterol levels are low… Read more
Free Membership
Lp(a) Forum Co-Chair, Professor John Chapman, invites you to join Lp(a) Forum for open access to multimedia educational resources about Lp(a) science, management and research.
Why do we need this Forum?
In recent years, unequivocal evidence has been published supporting Lp(a) as a target for lipid lowering therapies to reduce cardiovascular risk in individuals with significantly elevated Lp(a) levels. Innovative Lp(a) targeted therapies are in development and there is now an urgent need for reliable, accessible scientific and clinical information about Lp(a) for the clinical and scientific community that is appropriate for all levels of expertise and interest.
Back to Basics
Back to Basics summarises current thinking on key aspects of Lp(a) science and management
What is Lp(a)

Lp(a) is a plasma lipoprotein that consists of an LDL-like particle in which apolipoprotein B100 is covalently linked to the plasminogen-like protein…
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Lp(a) measurement

Lp(a) level is measured as Lp(a) particle number (nmol/L) or Lp(a) mass concentration (mg/dL), and levels ≥100/125 nmol/L (≥50 mg/dL) are …
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Why test Lp(a)?

Professor Keith Ferdinand, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, USA, discusses the advantages of Lp(a) testing for patients and their families…
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Lp(a) and CVD

Elevated Lp(a) is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, ischaemic stroke, peripheral artery disease, heart failure, aortic stenosis and mortality …
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Lp(a) therapies

No Lp(a) targeted therapies have been approved, but experts agree that intensive management of other risk factors is important in individuals with elevated …
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Journal Updates

Waist-to-hip ratio modifies Lp(a) risk of ASCVD Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) significantly modifies the risk of ASCVD associated …

UK lipid guidance recommends Lp(a) measurement in enhanced lipid profiling New UK lipid guidance recommends Lp(a) measurement to be included in enhanced lipid profiling …

Apo(a) isoform size affects Lp(a) response to lipid lowering therapy People with larger apo(a) size have the greatest reduction in Lp(a) level in response to …

Elevated Lp(a) linked to MACE independently of hs-CRP level
Elevated Lp(a) is associated with an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events …

Zerlasiran and muvalaplin studies published Results of Phase 2 studies of zerlasiran and muvalaplin in patients with elevated Lp(a) …
Latest Congress Highlights

Our highlights from the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024 (November 16-18, Chicago, USA and online), include promising new clinical data on novel Lp(a) lowering agents. We also report studies on the impact of Lp(a) testing in clinical practice and its potential for identifying vulnerable individuals with coronary artery disease, and there is news of research into a possible role for lipid lowering treatment in patients with aortic valve calcification.
Upcoming Congress

ACC 2025
29-31 March, Chicago, USA.
Other Congress News

Among the highlights of the ESC 2024 Congress (30 August-2 September, London, UK, and online), expert lipid specialists discussed latest progress in understanding of the role of Lp(a) in aortic stenosis, the benefits of Lp(a) testing on lipid control, the potential need for repeat Lp(a) measurement, implications of elevated Lp(a) for coronary calcium score, and the relevance of Lp(a) genotype.
Video Library
International experts discuss hot topics on all aspects of the epidemiology, genetics and pathophysiology of Lp(a).